Author: care 411

Lose anxiety, find purpose

Anxiety, cycle


QUOTES BY UGO AWARENESS Awareness invalidates excuse – Ugo Awareness marks the beginning of change – Ugo Awareness of a problem is the first step to wholeness – Ugo Where awareness  ends, accountability begins – Ugo It is a dangerous thing to be made aware of a problem when you are not quite ready to…
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June 4, 2017 0
Anxiety, cycle

Anxiety and Purpose Groups

We currently run two groups. Lose Anxiety is a closed group while Find Purpose is an open group. You may join an open group at any time. However, due to the sensitive nature of a closed group, once a closed group commences, no new members will be allowed in. Interested individuals may enroll with next…
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May 29, 2017 0
Anxiety, cycle


At Center for Anxiety Relief and Education counseling means: To actively listen to what our clients say and don’t say, and encourage them to embrace their unique self, while letting go of destructive behaviors, and coping with issues beyond their control. We provide unconditional positive regard as we combine psychotherapy with a hands-on approach to…
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May 27, 2017 0

Funny Videos

Courtesy of Just For Laughs TV we have compiled a list of funny videos. In these videos, pranks are played on unsuspecting individuals – some really make them think they are losing it! In way, this is how our minds play a prank on us in relation to anxiety. Enjoy these videos and laugh as…
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May 24, 2017 0
Anxiety, cycle, panic

Cycle of Destruction

Cycle of Destruction is a term we coined to described the cycle that puts our clients in a never ending battle with themselves. This happens when their thoughts, feelings (physical sensation), and behaviors affect each other in a snowball effect. For instance, if a person thinks that the person walking behind them in a parking…
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May 24, 2017 0

Sensory Preference Awareness

The term Sensory Preference refers to the type of sensory input that registers the fastest in a person’s brain. Research shows that the human brain processes information through three sensory systems: Visual (sight), Auditory (hearing), and Kinesthetic (taste, touch, smell). Sounds familiar doesn’t it? Yup! Those are your five senses you grew up learning about.…
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May 19, 2017 0

It’s Time to Laugh!

Experts say laughter is the best medicine and we believe that. So here are at list of jokes we found just about everywhere. This is not meant to substitute your medication or therapy, we just hope to put a smile on your face even if it is for a moment. For our audio/visual preference clients,…
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May 17, 2017 0

Social Anxiety

Have You Been The Embodiment of Social Anxiety? It speaks, you know. . . And this is what it sounds like: I’ll just embarrass myself I’ll surely pass out I want to talk to people but the words won’t come I can’t make friends Everyone is looking at me – I’m such a failure. You…
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May 17, 2017 0


Have You Been The Embodiment of OCD? It speaks, you know. . . And this is what it sounds like: You have intense urges to continue to do something – just to get it “right” Others tell you it’s perfect but you don’t trust them and the scary part is, you don’t even trust yourself.…
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May 17, 2017 0
Anxiety, cycle, panic

Anxiety – Caught in the cycle!

At CARE, when it comes to anxiety and panic, we keep you aware by frequently referring you back to the TFA (Think, Feel, Act) cycle. Think refers to the scary or negative thoughts you have about a given situation. Feel refers to the bodily symptoms you experience regarding the situation. Act refers to your reaction…
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May 17, 2017 0