Category: Getting Started

Lose anxiety, find purpose

Anxiety, cycle


At Center for Anxiety Relief and Education counseling means: To actively listen to what our clients say and don’t say, and encourage them to embrace their unique self, while letting go of destructive behaviors, and coping with issues beyond their control. We provide unconditional positive regard as we combine psychotherapy with a hands-on approach to…
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May 27, 2017 0

Who is counseling for?

Counseling is for anyone who is experiencing significant distress in social, occupational, self or interpersonal areas of functioning. When it comes to concerns of a neurotic nature, we strongly believe that counseling or therapy must not last forever. We believe that with appropriate dedication on the part of both the counselor and the client, there…
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July 20, 2013 0

Stages of Change

1.) Precontemplative: Clients are unaware of having a problem although others may see their problem. They have no intention of changing. 2.) Contemplative: Clients may have an idea about what needs to change and begin to give serious thought to changing behavior. 3.) Preparation: Clients intend to make small behavioral changes within the next 30…
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June 9, 2013 0