Category: Behavioral Issues

Lose anxiety, find purpose

Anxiety, cycle


At Center for Anxiety Relief and Education counseling means: To actively listen to what our clients say and don’t say, and encourage them to embrace their unique self, while letting go of destructive behaviors, and coping with issues beyond their control. We provide unconditional positive regard as we combine psychotherapy with a hands-on approach to…
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May 27, 2017 0
Anxiety, cycle, panic

Cycle of Destruction

Cycle of Destruction is a term we coined to described the cycle that puts our clients in a never ending battle with themselves. This happens when their thoughts, feelings (physical sensation), and behaviors affect each other in a snowball effect. For instance, if a person thinks that the person walking behind them in a parking…
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May 24, 2017 0

Social Anxiety

Have You Been The Embodiment of Social Anxiety? It speaks, you know. . . And this is what it sounds like: I’ll just embarrass myself I’ll surely pass out I want to talk to people but the words won’t come I can’t make friends Everyone is looking at me – I’m such a failure. You…
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May 17, 2017 0


Have You Been The Embodiment of OCD? It speaks, you know. . . And this is what it sounds like: You have intense urges to continue to do something – just to get it “right” Others tell you it’s perfect but you don’t trust them and the scary part is, you don’t even trust yourself.…
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May 17, 2017 0
Anxiety, cycle, panic

Anxiety – Caught in the cycle!

At CARE, when it comes to anxiety and panic, we keep you aware by frequently referring you back to the TFA (Think, Feel, Act) cycle. Think refers to the scary or negative thoughts you have about a given situation. Feel refers to the bodily symptoms you experience regarding the situation. Act refers to your reaction…
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May 17, 2017 0
Anxiety, Struggle, Cycle

Anxiety Speaks

Anxiety speaks, but you don’t have to be it’s mouthpiece, and without an outlet it will remain dormant. But as much as anxiety has to say, there are some secrets that it won’t tell you. For instance, most of the things we obsess over are not reality. They are in our heads and no one…
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May 17, 2017 0


Yeah, the statue of liberty and other statues did it for me…then I had a fear of the moon…(shaking my head) a lot of these fears came out of the blue and left just the way they came. But some others I had, such as the fear of heights and really tall buildings, started as…
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August 21, 2013 0


I totally remember being in the movie theater when it happened… “Did you turn off the stove?” Oh no! Not again…please no! NO! The previews had just finished playing and the movie was to begin at any moment but, Yeah … you guessed it! I drove back home to check and guess what…The stove was…
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August 19, 2013 0